Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My IE crashes almost every time I view video from Yahoo or . Any pointers out there?

My browser crashes when trying to play streaming video from Yahoo, and and the 5% of the time it does not, no video shows up, only audio.

My IE crashes almost every time I view video from Yahoo or . Any pointers out there?windows vista ultimate

I called my Service this morning because i was having the same problem. If you pay good money for your service then you have every right to get on that phone and call up for any problems. Talk to a customer service person and they will guide you.

My IE crashes almost every time I view video from Yahoo or . Any pointers out there?default browser internet explorer

need a better computer
Update your flash player.
Does depend on your computer. but what you can do is get a differnt browser and keep that one, or completely uninstall IE and use the other browser to search forthe new version, IE 7 beta 2.
Try updating your windows media player or Real Player - whichever you use. Also could try updating Macromedia flash and Java.
what os do you have? maybe you need more RAM.
yea, upgrade all your flash, java, IE. goto microsoft's web site to get info about it (
Why is everyone still using IE?
clear the history, the history is to full and the files are to large and they`re making the computer confused! Either that or get a bigger hard drive and keep it defragmented! this way you have more room and it will not crash anymore
use firefox its way better

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