Sunday, November 29, 2009

My IE home page has been changed and i cant change it bak. the options are not clickable?

Whats worse is that not even the admin of my PC!!..and the regedit is not working...givin a error....tht i don ve admin rights!! wat to do

My IE home page has been changed and i cant change it bak. the options are not clickable?microsoft word download

Your home page has been hijacked and youve got yourself a nice virus.

Run a scan and see which you have, most likely you have one that will require step by step removal.

My IE home page has been changed and i cant change it bak. the options are not clickable?internet explorer download internet explorer

go to tools in IE and select internet options and change ur home page
we can't help unless we know the name of the trojan.
I am sure you already did what Johnny said. There are some searchbar and shopping programs that are really viruses. They kidnap the homepage and even if you change it, they just change it back again. This seems like a variant of that. What I eventually had to do was backup my setup files, reinstall Windows formating the drive which wipes out everything on it, then reinstalling everything from scratch. Anti virus scans by Norton, McAffe and Avast didn't clear it for me. I know you think it will cost you loads of time but I bet you end up spending even more time trying not to do it, but then still end up doing it anyway.

There is just one ray of hope but I haven't tried it because I have not had this problem back since I found the program, but you could try:-

Home Search Assistant Buster. You can download it free from Softpedia

I don't really think you can call the trojan 'gone' as long as the program that creates it is still on your computer. The program that removed it seems to me that it cured the symptom rather than the disease. I still think that you should try HOME SEARCH ASSISTANT BUSTER. It is free so nothing to lose.

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