Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yahoo IE runtime error?

Whenever I click on the link to go to Yahoo sports page, I get 'runtime error; Yahoo is undefined. I have to click 'no' about a dozen times before the page will load, and then it loads out of order, so to speak ( not correctly). Then I hit refresh and it loads fine. Then I'll click on a link in Yahoo sports, and get more runtimes errors, asking me if I want to debug. When I debug, it gets me nowhere. HELP!!!

Yahoo IE runtime error?download windows media player

click tools /Internet options / advance tab/ put a check mark in disable script debugging Internet explorer also check disable script debugging other. and make sure display a notification every script error is UNCHECKED click okay. If you need more help please repost.

Yahoo IE runtime error?internet explorer update internet explorer

Remove the Yahoo! Toolbar
Click this.
ok, sometimes it's a JAVA problem, go to and download the runtime, let's see if that work .
Open IE and open the following website,

Once opened it, Goto Favorites in the menu bar and click add to favourites and ad the website in favorites list. Once you added right click on the website which you have in favorites and goto Send To--%26gt; Desktop (Shortcut)

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